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Typically a consultation is done with a potential client in order to better tailor services to the individual's needs before contracting; however, to help visitors learn a bit about some of what we can do, below you can find a short listing of some of our currently-offered services:

Full-Color Covers

Original artwork and/or modified or stock graphics can be use to created the unique look/art you desire for your work. Standard, custom, ebook, and full-spread layout services available.

Interior Layout

Standard and custom formatting available. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and more. Can incorporate footnotes, tables of contents, color and black and white images, tables, charts, etc. (Does not include proofreading, editing, indexing, or scanning of documents.)


Geared to writers who desire more in-depth guidance through the publishing process. Features services such as manuscript assessment, identifying the market, budgeting, planning, ISBN purchasing, determining approach, sales channels, formats, setting up with printers and/or distributors, etc.

Illustration / Art

Original art. Black and white illustration. Digital painting and manipulation. Photoshopping. Charts, graphs, and tabled graphics. Some mechanical drawing. On-site photography for local clients also available.


In-depth editorial feedback. Includes checking for spelling, punctuation, and typographical errors as well as providing input for improvements in grammar, style, structure, plot, characterization, POV, flow, dialogue, and/or organization. (Does not include proofreading. Due to the editorial process, all edited manuscripts will require additional proofing.)

Writing / Design

Assistance with back cover copy, book blurbs, sales material, media releases, letters, outlines, flyers, cards, promotional materials, etc.





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